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Jennifer May

Let's Explore the Veil

October is the time when the veil between worlds is thin. Can you already feel it?

The closer we get to Samhain (October 31), Dia de los Muertos (November 2) and Dia de los Angelitos (November 1) the more we seem to feel connection from the other side of the veil. I often think about Neil Gaimen's book, American Gods, when I ponder on how the energies of something feed it, nourish it, and keep it alive. I think that is in part why we experience MORE connection in this realm at this time of year. Our energies are not unique to this side of the veil, which even brings to mind the question, of is there even a veil? Is there another side? Perhaps we are all here together just in different form.

This month we will explore this realm and I would love to hear others experiences as comments on the blog post or in the new Meeting Place Forum open to members of The Auditoria and The Repository Tiers.

What experiences have you had with the other side of the veil?

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