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Jennifer May

Algorithms of the Mind

I had a very curious experience today, just one of many recent happenings which seem to be unraveling of some beliefs and expanding them to include other possiblities. I attribute this to a new flower essence that I have been working with.

Today I was walking with my two of my sons through the woodlands we so often wander through. On our way back we were admiring apple trees. Our eyes all fell upon one tree, which had apples in all stages of ripeness, including one branch upon which all of the apples were dark brown and shrivling. Instantly "Snow white" popped into my head. Two seconds later, one of my sons said "that reminds me of snow white".

Last week I would have marveled at the obvious "reading of minds" or "transmitting energy between one another".....and yes this might be true and is typically how I view things. Today, however, something else came in.

Snow White is something many of us have been exposed to. We have certain images etched in the depths of our memory....and with so many people being exposed to so many of the same things, it really is most likely an association that when we see rotten apples on a knobby old apple tree, we think "snow white".

As this occurred to me, I grasped to find the more mystical magic in it....and it was slipping away. It was very clear to me that this was so much more simliar to computer algorithms than it was to magical mystical happenings. I found myself greatly disappointed and my version of reality teetering on flipping on it's head, inside out, and a few steps backward (or forward deepening on where you are in time).

And then.......

I thought of recent convesations I have brought up with my husband, around memory and the mind, and music. In particular I marveled at how I can hear a song that I haven't heard in 40 years and still remember all of the lyrics.....and how we have such a grand capacity to store memories and how curious what is held there and what is not, and how could there possibly be enough space for all of it...and wow, isn't just amazing and magical.

So I came back around to the amazing magical part of it.

I was unlikely reading my son's mind or reading the energetic temporal line.....although this could absolutely be possible. More than likely we both had a common imprint around a particular type of apple because we had been exposed to the same things that stirred that association from deep in our memory banks.....and THAT is amazing and magical.

Just in a different sort of way. And it feels more practical and more helpless. And also more mystical and more empowering.

I've been seeing and experiencing a lot of things in a simliar fashion the past few days, which coincides with this new flower essence. The world not quite being turned on it's head, but some sort of expansion that unravels things I felt to be true and adds other possibilities.

How curious life is!

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